Father & son BMX Act

Birmingham, end of the 19th century, bicycle couriers work for gangs of thugs... Very clever, they easily escape the police. But it was in 1921 that the first troupe of bicycle acrobats, the "Peaky Bikers", was created.
For 20 years, they traveled the roads of Great Britain and then Europe, but we lost their tracks after the Second World War.
Costumes and presentation of the 20s, acrobatics on the ground and on the springboard...
Only the bicycles and the highest level of aerial flights have been brought up to date.
Johnny and Eliot, the only descendants of this line of outstanding acrobats, reconnect today with everything that made the reputation of this troupe.
Training: 2 actor acrobats
Duration: 45 mins
Technique: autonomous show in sound. Provide an ideal stage space of: 12m laterally and 10m deep (5m high) with 1 220V socket.


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